Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Further Proof That I'm Certifiable, Yo

Um, I posted earlier about Post Partum or something? Yep, I'm totally batshiz crazy, ya'll. I have figured out that depending on the music I'm listening to, my moods swing around like Britney Spears swings around that cute lil fatboy SPF, except I don't drop my moods on the street in NYC, cuz I'm not that cold hearted of a bitch, you know.

Anywhoo, yep, listening to Sufjan and decided that I'm coo... no worries, but yeah, um. K, I'm nuts. I also have to tell you that Caramel Apple Empanadas from the Tahtow Bewl (taco bell, for those of you who do NOT currently reside in my psyche.) Oh and one more thing. The show Psyche...rox me sox.

The end.

K, make sure I don't listen to Old Old Pink Floyd eva. Also, go here to see Mr. Scotty Gee (so nummy) sing some sweetness. He's oh so hott, don't drool on yer keyboards, ladies. That is all.


Blog ho said...

i'm 100 times prettier. if you count internet praise.

Number Mouth said...

Hanni darlin - You're so right. I'm an emo mom. Sad, right? Ugh.

blog ho - you're such a pretty little demon

K. H. said...

batshiz HAWT, i think you mean.

Laurie said...

you crazy bitch! Wait, didnt I once say I thought we were seperated at birth? LOL figures...

lilmammal said...

I'm glad you clarified cuz I moved out of your psyche two weeks ago.

Mr Anigans said...

so a few friends and i were having a debate on the correct pronunciation of Sufjan.

i'm going with sooofyon.

Number Mouth said...

thats how I say it too, Shin. Soof-yon.

Number Mouth said...

Oh and Indy - I miss you sweeping the floors around my brain.

K. H. said...

wait....what about Caramel Apple Empanadas?

jeremy said...

::except I don't drop my moods on the street in NYC, cuz I'm not that cold hearted of a bitch::

Also, you don't live in New York.