Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sweet Pregnant Mama...

I think I'm the rudest mom in the land because last night, as my little ones were gathering themselves for a long winter's nap in their rooms, brushing their teeth, putting on pajamas, gathering books for their reading pleasure...I came around the corner screeching like a pterodactyl...with my best "blair witch face" up on my grill. You know the one...big eyes, nostrils flared, teeth a'flyin out. They cried and cried and which I laughed til I cried. Hey, at least I cried, jeez.

I'm totally getting the "Best Mom Of The Century" award from Oprah, I can feeeeeeel it.


jeremy said...

it's spring.

Nightmare said...

Scaring your kids is what GOOD parents do!

lilmammal said...

Serves them right.

K. H. said...

maybe next time they'll clean their rooms

Mr Anigans said...

can i hear the pterodactyl screech?

Number Mouth said...

Jeremy - No its not.

nightmare - I know! My dad did it every day. Look how normal I turned out.

Indy - Damn kids...they totally deserved it.

mama - does your boy clean his room yet?

anigans - yes. call me.

John Q. Public esq. said...

you know I still love you, however clowns and migets... thats where I draw the line...

all my best,