Monday, December 11, 2006

iZ! I couldn't leave my new babies out of the snow fun! My favorite new collectibles. Send me some please

iZ! I couldn't leave my new babies out of the snow fun! My favorite new collectibles. Send me some please, originally uploaded by Miss Alli.

These are iZ. I have tiny ones and big ones (coming from eBay yay!). I can't keep the big ones, they're for christmas gifts, but let me express...I am getting myself a fleet.

I go BACK to court with the ex tomorrow, and then I have job interviews on Thursday. Can I give a big high five right now to WaMu for PAYING me to go on job interviews? Yeah, so go open accounts, or...get a home loan through them, rather.

K, so when I enabled flickr-blogging, it gave me the below latin to go with this picture, so I left it. Anybody speak latin? I totally speak pig latin, but not real latin. K interpret. Oh and if you wanna see some sweet iZ demos, go HERE and look at all the vids that say "iZ" next to them that I posted and others posted. Heck, sign up, and you can make money just by posting your favorite youtube vids there, totally for free. Whoa, did I just advertize? Its Christmas time, I probably should give freely to all, yeah, its freakin sweet, go see!!!

And now, for the free latin Tuesday surprise of the day:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ultricies augue sit amet pede. Pellentesque pretium varius tellus. Curabitur et justo vel pede rhoncus ultrices. Integer pulvinar molestie diam. Proin tincidunt. Phasellus placerat est a urna. Nullam tincidunt lectus eget eros. Donec ultricies congue dolor.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh!! Those collectibles are so cute!! I got new one from Collectibles Today... I juts love them!!