Friday, February 16, 2007

Overnighters For School? I think I love this school district.

Jonah is on a tallship.

For the last two days. He's 10. I hope they work his lil butt.

Monday, January 15, 2007


working on Martin Luther King Jr. Day is rude, esp. when my husband is half black, which makes my baby one quarter black.


I should protest like that Rosa Parks lady who got hit by the white bus. Isn't that what happened to her?

Also, today is my grandfather's funeral. What a day.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

update in all lowercase for funsies

omgawsh. where do i start? ok so i love the new job, and it makes me want to type in all lowercases because most obviously i type in all caps all day long because that's how i operate. its my modus operandum or operandus or whatever. i like to show the new job people that i'm serious by typing in all caps. got it? k sweet

also! baby has 2 bottom teeth. also he doesn't like drinkin through straws, even though drinkin straws are the drinkin best.

also, i like dressin up for work. i think business suits are hot.

oh and one more thing, send me money. ok bye.